
Delivering corporate
climate action

Empire Carbon & Energy is a solutions provider for corporate climate action

We provide access to voluntary carbon markets, high-quality carbon offsetting programs and energy services.

We help you calculate and reduce carbon emissions and enable your potential to capture first-mover advantages. We can undertake the offset of unavoidable emissions. Empire’s combination of services is unique in the Australian market.

We offer access to carbon offset projects in different regions, with different technologies and standards. The social benefits of the projects are important to us.

We have a unique product that enables you to attach specific social program outcomes to climate offsets in a single transaction.

Our combined efforts are geared towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

We provide access to voluntary carbon markets, high-quality carbon offsetting programs and energy services

Our recently established Carbon business builds on our Australia-wide energy transition activity and is a continuation of 20 + years’ involvement in physical and financial products.

The business is focused on voluntary and emerging carbon markets, as a corollary to our involvement in compliance markets.

We believe these markets play a vital contributory role in supporting businesses on their energy and carbon transition pathways, particularly those operating in hard-to-abate industries. We look to invest into carbon reduction and removal projects by partnering with clients to help grow the market and drive further climate action.

We are a core part of a collaborative that can meet all the needs of a Chief Sustainability Officer for your business – greenXhub.

Our Expertise

Our combination of expertise and access to market leading platforms positions Empire Carbon & Energy to deliver both a quality and differentiated supply of offsets and a suite of cutting-edge, highly impactful products to clients.

Our deep knowledge of industry and the opportunity to embrace the decarbonisation through the reduction of Scope 1, Scope 2 and the challenge of Scope 3 activities are key to business resilience and green goods and services.

Our Offering

We assist our customers to calculate and reduce carbon emissions and offset unavoidable emissions and enable the potential to capture first-mover advantages.

We offer carbon offset projects in different regions and with different technologies and standards.

The additional social benefits of the projects are particularly important to us.


Our combined efforts are geared towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

“From compliance to value creation”

Our Values



The project domains we operate in demand precision and accuracy.

We use evidence and data for quantitative decisions and recommendations.



As a team we work hard to deliver promises made and exceed the measures agreed between parties.

We behave in a manner and communicate to those we have the privilege of working with and for in an open and honest environment to enable a no surprise and informed relationship.



The basis for all sustainable relationships and dignified conduct.

We strive togain trust and recognition through performance and transparent conduct in everything we do.



Results driven culture of discipline to excel in employee and client expectations, and achievement of goal both professional and personal.

ABC Foundation's Ranger for Life Program is a recipient of our Carbon Social Impact Units

Indigenous Partnerships

Empire Carbon and Energy has a partnership with ACES to offer clients a platform to buy and sell carbon credits within a cost-effective, compliant and transparent process.

Our Carbon Social Impact Units (CSI’s) allow clients to off-set their carbon emissions and invest in social impact within a single product. Access to Australian and international carbon credits allows our trading team to develop effective carbon offset packages, while ACES and the ABC Foundation work with the client to invest in social impact programs through the “Social Impact Premium” component of the product.

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